Intensive Myofascial Release Treatment Program

The Intensive Treatment Program is an individualized program specifically designed to overcome chronic pain and mobility issues. The Intensive Treatment Program is a one week (5 days) concentrated program that includes three key elements: Assessment, Therapy and Self-Treatment instruction. By receiving multiple sessions over a short period of time dysfunctional habits are replaced with conscious healthy awareness and change. This can eliminate your body’s potential to regress into habitual compensatory movement and bracing patterns between treatments. We highly encourage you to utilize the entire week as a sabbatical for yourself. Taking time away from the normal routine of life enables you to focus on what your body needs to heal.

The one week Intensive Program includes a pre-assessment, three daily hands-on myofascial release sessions, two restorative Pilates-based movement sessions, a self-treatment session and a post assessment. You will also receive an individualized take-home program.

Assessments Include:

  • Whole body evaluation
  • Range of motion testing
  • Hands-on body assessment of Myofascial connective tissue restriction
  • Before and after photographs

Therapy Includes:

  • A team of diverse and multi-talented therapists will discuss and review daily — your history, condition and progress. All therapists on staff have been personally trained by John F. Barnes, PT. Each therapist possesses their own distinctive healing gifts and our team approach combines talents and skills to meet patient’s individual needs.
  • Three one-hour MFR hands-on sessions per day.
  • Two Pilates-based restorative movement sessions
  • One personalized self-care MFR session utilizing simple tools such as a small ball, foam rollers and bands.

Self-Treatment Instruction Includes:

  • A take-home program comprised of the individual work based on your restorative movement and self-care sessions. You will be able to further your healing and progress at home with a detailed program. Our therapists are available to answer questions and provide support after you return home.

Healing is a unique process and is very distinct, therefore, committing to getting treated regularly is crucial for healing from chronic or acute injuries. If needed, a recommendation will be provided for a Myofascial Release trained therapist near your residence to continue with your healing process

Our staff of therapists is available to answer questions and provide support after you return home.

Program Details

Pilates Core Training and Myofascial Release Center is the only location in the Northwest Florida panhandle offering an Intensive Myofascial Release Treatment Program. All therapists at our center are extensively trained in the John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach, and utilize this profound healing modality in combination with restorative movement therapy to help to transform pain and dysfunction. Treatments are designed to address the entire person—physically, mentally, and emotionally—with the goal of uncovering the root cause of the dysfunction in order to make lasting changes in symptoms. John F. Barnes said, “Fascia is the container of the mind.” Free the fascia and free the mind! MFR is a powerful technique which promotes a return to the pain-free life.

The week-long Intensive Healing Program costs $2,000. To schedule your week, there is a 50% deposit to hold the appointment.  The remaining balance is due on the first day of your intensive.

If you are ready to schedule your intensive or get more information, please contact us at 850-287-5836 or email at

Other Options

  • Two-week program: $3800
  • A three-day program consists of a pre-assessment, 2 MFR sessions each day, one restorative movement session and a post assessment. The cost is $900.00.

Contact Us

Have any questions or would like more information on Pilates Core Training?

1308 Dunmire St.
Pensacola, Florida 32503


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